I had considered starting a blog for this website a few months ago but was struggling to come up with topics. It's so easy for a blog to suck, am I right? It had occured to me the other day that the Instagram post I had made about the channeled painting was pretty vague and so that would be a great place to start. This topic can be weird for some folks so bare with me. At the very least, this is not an AI generated blog, because they exist.

As I stated in that post the entire design for this painting was entirely channeled via Akashic records. What does that mean? What are Akashic records? The Akashic records are an energetic recording of every soul's history and potential future. Every action, every emotion, even every thought, is recorded there. This is not just for human lives either. The Akashic records include animals, plants, locations and events. This place is beyond human senses, in the ether, and there are many ways to access them. Some can access the records via energy work like meditation, reiki or prayer (which is what I use). In most religions this is referred to as our Book of Life. Some say humanity had full access to the records at one point in time, however we abused the privilege. I won't speculate on that but you could definitely go down the Atlantian rabbit hole on that piece.
I was led to learn about accessing the records, specifically via Pathway Prayer method, through a series of events (both physical and astral) about 2-3 years ago. I will admit that it took me a while to warm up to it and then grow the balls to talk about it openly. The records can be used for so many things, but most commonly for advice and healing, on issues past, present or potenial future. They are not neccessarily predictive, so you wouldn't ask a question like, "when will I get that great job I want?" A more appropriate and more helpful question would be, "what is blocking me from my dream job?" or "what do I still need to learn before getting that job?" The records are a tool for learning about yourself, your journey here and gain new perspectives on any issues you may be having. You can ask about and get healing on relationships, health, employment, family, friends, pets, locations, events...the list goes on. There are some restrictions, like prying into someone else's life, but that's a topic for another time.
So back to the painting. I believe all artists channel their work to some degree or another, consciously or not. I love making cool paintings and tattoos. You probably do to, or at least enjoy looking at them. Before the painting above I kept getting the nudge to just start drawing while in the records, kind of like drawing while meditating, in a way. I had tried a couple of times but it seemed directionless. Going with the flow is cool but I'm a bit more goal driven. How do I reel in the hippie Jenn? I set the intention, while in the records, to create a design that would give the viewer a sense of peace and love of self. Pretty basic but I had to start somewhere. Images and shapes started coming to me very quickly. They repeated themselves over and over again as if to say, "you're getting this, right?" I had a pretty sold idea to go with so I cleaned it up a bit and got it on to watercolor paper. It took me several days to finish the painting and only sat down with it when I had a calm, clear head.
Once completed, I only put it in my stories and posed the question, "How does this make you feel?" See some of the comments here.

I could not post the painting right away. Not gonna lie, I was being a total pussy. This is weird and may not have been well received, especially in the tattoo community. I eventually worked up the guts and posted it with a brief description. To my surprise, you loved it! What the hell was I so worried about?
I'll definitely keep going with this and I'll keep up with the background stories when there is one to be told. This will evolve into something else one day. Plus, I'll be adding a service on this website for 25-30 minute Akashic record readings.
I'll still be painting tattoo flash and other rad designs that are totally unrelated to this project. I'll still be making tattoos. Can't stop, won't stop.